PATRICK SUSKIND - Vera e zotit Zomer (fragmente)




Lexim i fragmenteve nga "Vera e zotit Zomer" të Patrick Suskind

Padyshim që vepra më e plotë dhe më e njohur e Patrik Ziskid është "Parfumi", por nëse flasim për art, "Vera e zotit Zomer" nuk ka të krahasuar me asnjë vepër tjetër të tij.

Drawing (27)


Patrick Süskind

From 1968-1974 he studied medieval and modern history in Munich and Aix-en-Provence. In the '80s he worked as a screenwriter, for Kir Royal and Monaco Franze among others.
After spending the 1970s writing what he has characterized as “short unpublished prose pieces and longer un-produced screenplays”, Patrick Süskind was catapulted to fame in the 1980s by the monodrama Der Kontrabass [The Double Bass, 1981:], which became an instant success and a favourite of the German stage. In 1985 his status as literary wunderkind was confirmed with the publication of the novel Das Parfüm. Die Geschichte eines Mörders [Perfume. The Story of a Murderer:], which quickly topped the European best-seller list and eventually sold millions of copies worldwide.

The Story of MR Sommer

This book definitely lives up to its promise to be a coming of age story with a strange and mysterious twist. When Mr. Sommers' seemingly endless and frantic walks through this narrator's boyhood leave us scratching our heads and asking questions about why he does what he does and what motivates him, Suskind is inviting us to ask the very same questions about ourselves. The stark telling of this dark tale (which is definitely for adults, make no mistake) reads like a parable and can (and should) be read in one sitting. It is also humorous at times. Even in this short space of a narrative, Suskind has succeeded in eliciting a full and complex range of emotions.